Web Appendix for "Introduction to Evolutionary Genomics"

This web source is Appendix  for following book
Title: Introduction to Evolutionary Genomics
Author: Naruya Saitou, National Institute of Genetics
Publisher: Springer Verlag
Published in  February, A.S. 0014 (2014 A.D.)

### Brief Contents of Printed Version ###
(Additions and Corrections are also shown here)

### Contents of This Web Appendix (under construction) ###

Chapter A1 Basic Statistics
A2.1 Basics of statistical tests
A2.2 t-test for difference of means
A2.3 2x2 contingency table
A2.4 Multiple test correction

Chapter A2 Statistical tests on phylogenetic trees
A2.1 Classification of statistical tests
A2.2 Bootstrap
A2.3 Other methods for branch significance
A2.4 Likelihood comparison

Chapter A3 Statistical tests on natural selection
A3.1 Synonymous and nonsynonymous substititution tests
A3.2 Interspecies divergence and intraspecies polymorphism comparisons
A3.3 Nucleotide diversity pattern analyses
A3.4 Haplotype length pattern analyses

Chapter A4  Worked-out Examples of Evolutionary Genomics
A4.1 General outline of this chapter
A4.2 ABO blood group gene analyses
A4.3 Detection of gene conversions
A4.4 Superimposition of gene trees
A4.5 Detection of adaptive evolution
A4.6 Development of private databases
A4.7Analysis of multiple genes
A4.8 Search for cerumen gene
A4.9 Gorilla plasmid library construction
A4.10 Development of MISHIMA system
A4.11 Protein coding region analysis
A4.12 Non-coding region analysis

Chapter A5  Programs developed for this book

Combined References cited in this book

Enlarged Index

Copyright (a) Naruya Saitou 2014